25 Jun 7 Ways to Make Your Building Energy Efficient
The world is progressively becoming more environment-conscious, and it is reflected in the policies of our governments and corporates. As we adapt to the pressing needs of climate change, the demand for sustainable solutions also rises. While this impacts all industries, building design stands out rather urgently.
Architectural & engineering services are bound to accommodate energy-efficient solutions because the clientele require it for improving the public perception of the brand. People now prefer businesses that support sustainability. Moreover, energy-efficient buildings save money in the longer run by tipping down cost on maintenance, power as well as waste disposal.
Follow these tips to make sure your building is energy efficient
Measure your Energy Consumption
The obvious, first step is to gauge where you stand vis-à-vis energy consumption. Retrofitting, or building something anew is a luxury most won’t have. Whether you own or rent a building, benchmarking will go a long way in realizing the areas that need intervention and/or improvement.
This is location sensitive. The importance of insulation is especially known in extreme climates. Most heat escapes through the walls (35%) and the roofs (25%), while the rest depends on the centrally regulating (heating/cooling) systems- which are unfriendly to your pockets as it shoots up the energy bills.
Basically the outsides of your buildings should lower the heating/cooling needs, making it as ‘airtight’ as possible. For new buildings, you can comfortably opt for high performance insulation & non-traditional wall system, both of which offer additional insulation. A solid investment in the existing buildings can be replacing the doors & windows to avoid air leakage.
Buying Certified Equipment
Always be on the lookout for energy efficient, high-performance systems and equipment for they will use 30-65% less energy compared to the non-certified models. They also evolve and adapt quickly, plus it’s generally smarter to keep pace with the green market.
This simple switch (and upgrade) can help you conserve energy up to 75%! The recent trend is to also install sensors in spaces that are not used very frequently like conference rooms and restrooms to further bring down the energy consumption.
Calculating ROI
Even though some immediate costs might be hefty, investing in green-proofing is the safest, most sound decision to be taking in these times. Retrofitting for instance, helps you save up to 5-15% and will essentially pay for itself after three years. To know more about the nature of incentives, please read – here.
Installing Solar Panels
A no brainer towards energy efficiency, the most readily available and easily accessible power source- the sun! Again, the initial costs might seem off putting; however, what you get in return will more than make up for it. The photovoltaic solar panels last for over 20 years which allows the owners to enjoy massive savings on energy for over two decades.
Using Natural Water
Higher the building, higher its energy demand. In the age of land paucity and well, high rise buildings, roof mounted water tanks may offer some respite. The sizeable tank will collect water from the rain, to channel it to the building’s plumbing system. This simple method helps save (on the water bills), utilize and optimize on thousands of gallons of water. However, this water shan’t be suited for drinking but for every other purpose- irrigation, flushing the toilets etc.
How The Cotocon Group Works to Make Your Building Energy Efficient
The Cotocon Group understands the impact buildings have on our environment. We are committed to working on making New York City more sustainable. One of the ways we do this is by conducting an annual audit of our projects’ energy use, which is a significant factor in a building’s carbon footprint. We also provide services such as Local Law Compliance, Energy Audits, Retro Commissioning, Building Commissioning that will help you reduce your Carbon Emissions.
Get in Touch with us to know more!