06 Jan New York City Local Law Sustainability Compliance Deadlines – 2023
Important Information for Building Owners
Not everyone knows this, but buildings alone are the single-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions/carbon footprints in New York City. That is why a set of laws were passed by the New York City Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to make the environment more habitable.
But to help building owners and property managers stay in compliance with New York City local laws, we list down building maintenance-related local law deadlines and extensions so that you can plan now to help you avoid violations, fines, and even possible civil penalties.
More importantly, timely compliance will help keep your buildings, residents, and commercial tenants safe and healthy and significantly increase your property value.
Read on to know more about the updates related to upcoming deadlines for the New York City Local Laws: – Local Law 84/133 (Energy and Water Benchmarking Law), Local Law 87 (Energy Audit and Retro-Commissioning), Local Law 95 (Energy Grades) and NYC Local Law 97 (Carbon Emissions Reduction Act)
February 1st, 2023
The first deadline of the year that you need to be aware of is the 2022 LL84 (or LL133) compliance deadline, which falls on February 1. This will be your last chance to file if you have not done it already so in the past year (2022).
Deadline May 1st, 2023 & August 1st, 2023, for Local Law 84 (2023)
The second deadline for 2023 Local Law 84/133 compliance, for which the last date to comply is May 1st.
However, in case you miss that, you will get another chance to comply for the same on August 1st, 2023.
Deadline November 1st, 2023, for Local Law 84/133 (2023)
In case you miss the May and August deadlines for 2023 LL84/133, you will get another chance on November 1st, 2023, to file for compliance.
Deadline October 31st, 2023, for NYC Local Law 95
The Local Law 95 energy grade will be available for download and post on October 1, 2023. The deadline for submitting your energy grade posting is October 31st, 2023.
Deadline December 31st, 2023, for Local Law 87
The final deadline of the year 2023, for the LL87 (2023) Compliance deadline, will fall on December 31st, 2023, the last day of the year.