28 Apr NYC Local Law 97 Compliance Checklist for NYC Building Owners
The Cotocon Group Has Put together a Compliance Checklist for NYC Local Law 97 that the Building Owners Must go Through to Make Sure They are Compliant.
Know the requirements: Familiarize yourself with the requirements of Local Law 97. The law sets emissions limits for buildings over 25,000 square feet and requires the submission of an emissions intensity limit report. Determine which of your buildings are covered by the law.
Seek expert guidance: Consider seeking expert guidance from energy consultants, engineers, or other professionals with experience in energy efficiency and emissions reduction like us. We can help you develop a tailored compliance plan and identify cost-effective solutions for your building.
Calculate emissions: Calculate Your GHG EUI Emissions and if your building exceeds the emissions limits set by Local Law 97, you will need to take action to reduce your emissions.
Develop a compliance plan: The Cotocon Group will help you in Developing a plan to comply with the emissions limits set by Local Law 97. This may involve a combination of energy efficiency improvements, Energy Audits and more.
Schedule Retrofits: Schedule retrofits and upgrades to your building’s HVAC system, lighting, and other energy-using systems. These upgrades may include installing high-efficiency equipment, upgrading controls, and adding insulation.
Submit the emissions intensity limit report: Submit the required emissions intensity limit report to the Department of Buildings by the required deadline. The report must be certified by a registered design professional such as The Cotocon Group.
Monitor and track progress: Monitor and track your building’s progress towards compliance with Local Law 97. This may include tracking energy usage, emissions, and retrofit progress. There are also real time monitoring tools such as the Savvy App that can help you keep track of Emissions in real time.
Stay informed: Stay informed about updates to Local Law 97 and related regulations. Attend training sessions and stay up-to-date on best practices for energy efficiency and emissions reduction. Follow us on Social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.