Energy Efficiency Reporting

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Local Law 87

What is Local Law 87?

Local Law 87 requires buildings to undergo the process of an energy audit which involves energy and water use benchmarking. Furthermore, this law requires the performance of retro commissioning which is the process of fine tuning building systems to make them run more efficiently.

Local Law 87: Energy audit and retro-commissioning every 10 years.

Under Local Law 87, buildings are required to perform their audits and retro commissioning every 10 years. This process can help building managers understand their building, where their energy and water is being used and provides them with opportunities to reduce usage of these resources.
Who needs to comply:
buildings larger than 50,000 sq. ft. and two or more buildings on a single lot larger than 100,000 sq. ft.
Once every 10 years, filed by December 31 of the year.
$3,000 in the first year after the deadline and $5,000 each subsequent year. Violation notices and legal action may follow. Any financial incentives given to a violating building may be withdrawn.

We can help

At The Cotocon Group, we know our buildings and have a list of which buildings in the city need to comply with Local Law 87 each year. Our team of experts can help with energy benchmarking, water use benchmarking and retro commissioning to keep your building running as smoothly as possible. Get in touch with us today so that you can comply, avoid fines, save money and run your building efficiently.
