Retro Commissioning

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Way to Reduce Energy Usage

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Retro Commissioning

Retro-Commissioning NYC

Retro-Commissioning (RCx) is a process that improves the efficiency of an existing building’s equipment and systems. It can often resolve problems that occurred during design and/or construction. Retro-commissioning also addresses problems that have developed throughout the building’s life as equipment has aged or as building usage has changed. This involves systematic evaluations of opportunities to improve energy-using systems.

Why is Retro-Commissioning important?

— Small problems have big effects on performance —

Buildings frequently undergo operational and occupancy changes that challenge the mechanical, electrical and control systems, hindering optimal performance. In today’s complex buildings, systems are highly interactive, with sophisticated controls that can create a trickle-down effect on building operations. All buildings can experience performance degradation over time.

Hence, it is vital to constantly monitor the equipment and fix the errors that may be preventing optimal performance of the building. ASHRAE Guideline 1.2-2019, provides requirements for the application of the Commissioning Process (Cx) to existing HVAC&R systems and assemblies.

This guideline applies to the procedures, methods, and documentation requirements for each phase of the Commissioning (Cx) Process applied to existing HVAC&R systems and assemblies, including:
  • Development of facility goals and Current Facility Requirements (CFR)
  • Discovery and evaluation of the available documentation for existing HVAC&R systems
  • Evaluation of the condition of existing HVAC&R systems
  • Development of a prioritized Cx Plan, including schedule and budget estimates
  • Development and Implementation of recommendations
  • Verification of completed recommendations
  • Development of Systems Manual
  • Training of facility personnel
  • Development of Cx Reports
  • Ongoing commissioning (OCx) activities
  • Professional solutions

    Sustainable energy solutions for every need.

    • Purpose of Retro-Commissioning:
    • Verify that a facility and its systems meet the Current Facility Requirements (CFR)
    • Enhance building performance by saving energy and reducing operational costs
    • Identify and resolve building system operation, control and maintenance problems
    • Reduce or eliminate occupant complaints and increase tenant satisfaction
    • Improve indoor environmental comfort and quality + reduce associated liability
    • Analyze the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) personnel training needs and provide such training
    • Ensure the persistence of improvements over the building’s life
    • Key Benefits:
    • Lifetime improved building systems efficiency & extended equipment use
    • Improved occupancy comfort & productivity
    • Enhanced building operation
    • Documented building condition & deficiencies
    • List of recommendations for improvements
    • A road map for capital improvements
    • Potentially reduced carbon footprint
    • Minimize operational risk and increase asset value
    • Extend equipment life-cycle

    Even more, NYC Local Law 87 requires an Energy Audit. This is an inspection, survey, analysis, and report of energy flows to improve energy efficiency in a building. Local Law 87 is viewed as an invaluable tool towards improving building operations and achieving real energy savings.

    Our experts go in the field to examine investment opportunities firsthand. At The Cotocon Group, we have experts that can help you identify and comply with Local Law 87 and take care of your Retro-Commissioning requirements.
