Local Law 88: Lighting and Sub-metering

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Local Law 88

What is Local Law 88

Local Law 88 of 2009, along with its expansions through Local Laws 132 and 134 of 2016, mandates significant energy efficiency upgrades for New York City buildings. Residential buildings exceeding 25,000 square feet in common areas and all non-residential buildings over 25,000 square feet must upgrade their lighting systems to comply with the New York City Energy Conservation Code standards by 2025. This law aims to reduce energy consumption and enhance sustainability in large buildings across the city. Furthermore, Local Law 88 requires non-residential buildings greater than 25,000 square feet to install electrical sub-meters for each large tenant space exceeding 5,000 square feet. These sub-meters facilitate detailed energy tracking and management, and building owners must provide monthly energy statements to these tenants.

Local Law 88 Compliance: Upgrade Your Building’s Energy Efficiency by 2025:

In order to meet Local Law 88 requirements, buildings need to invest in energy efficient lighting and replace older more energy intensive lighting solutions. Energy efficient lighting helps to reduce the overall energy usage of a building and thus saves money. With the right lighting choices, over time, buildings can end up with a net financial savings with the reduced energy cost covering the capital required to upgrade lighting systems. With regards to sub-metering, with each tenant of 5000 sq. ft. or more being given a separate meter and energy statement, the city aims to reduce overall energy consumption by giving these tenants the power to control their own energy use and thus save money. Tenants who are responsible can save their own money as their individual use will now be tracked rather than previously on an aggregate basis.
Who needs to comply:
• Residential buildings with common areas larger than 25,000 sq. ft.
• Commercial buildings with a total area larger than 25,000 sq. ft.
January 1, 2025
Under Local Law 88, owners must report electrical sub-meter installations in tenant spaces. Failure to file results in a $1,500 annual fine. Additionally, missing sub-meters incur a $500 per unit fine each year until installed.

We can help

The Cotocon Group with our team of engineers, architects, planners and consultants can help with Local Law 88 compliance. Get in touch with us today so that you can comply, avoid fines, save money and run your building efficiently.
