Washington DC's Clean and
Affordable Energy Act

Get help from Experts in Benchmarking
Efficient, Effective, On Time Compliance

Washington DC

Washington DC Energy Benchmarking

What the Law Says
Clean and Affordable Energy Act

Atlanta Benchmarking requirements were originally signed into law through the Washington DC Clean and Affordable Energy Act of 2008 (CAEA). The Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018 expanded the benchmarking requirements to cover smaller buildings and added data verification requirements.

Under these mandates, building owners are required to track the energy and water usage for their building(s) using the US EPA’s ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager and report that data to DOEE on an annual basis. The annual reporting deadline is April 1st of each year for the previous calendar year’s energy and water consumption. Building owners are required to have their building benchmarking data verified by a third party every three years, starting in 2024 (with the calendar year 2023 data).

Who is Required to Comply

All privately owned commercial and multifamily buildings over 25,000 gross square feet are required to measure and report energy and water benchmarking data to the District on a yearly basis by April 1 of each year. Starting with the calendar year 2024 data (due April 1, 2025) all privately-owned buildings over 10,000 square feet will be required to benchmark.


Benchmarking reports are due on April 1st of each year for the previous calendar year’s energy and water consumption. For example, the energy and water consumption tracked in Portfolio Manager for calendar year 2021 is due April 1, 2022.

How to Report

Building owners must report their energy usage data to EPA’s Portfolio Manager. The Cotocon Group can help you with your benchmarking.

What are the fines Like?

Free 30 day notice. At the conclusion of 30 days, fines $100/day till cured.

Worried about the fines? Call Us Now!

(212) 889-6566