NYC Climate Mobilization Act

What is it?

Back in 2019, New York City Council passed the Climate Mobilization Act (CMA), which is an ambitious legislative package aligned with the City’s commitment to the carbon reduction targets set out in the Paris Agreement. It requires the economy-wide Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to be lower by 40% before 2030 and 80% lower by 2050. As the centerpiece of CMA, Local law 97 regulates Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from buildings larger than 25,000 square feet. The law sets GHG emission limits based on occupancy groups, which becomes effective in 2025.

NYC Climate Mobilization Act

New NYC Local Laws from the Climate Mobilization Act:

Local Law 97 of 2019 – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Limits

Beginning in 2024, buildings over 25,000 square feet will have to meet carbon emissions limits based on the facility’s occupancy group type.

Local Law 96 of 2018 – Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)

A voluntary sustainable energy loan program that will provide low-cost, long-term funding for energy efficiency projects. PACE will help building owners finance energy efficiency projects that are required by the new legislation in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions citywide.

Local Law 94 of 2019 –Green Roofs

Requires the inclusion of a green roofing zone in new construction and for buildings undergoing certain major renovations. This roofing zone must be comprised of a photovoltaic (PV) electricity generating system (Solar Panels) or a green roof.

Local Law 95 of 2019 – Adjusting Energy Letter Grade Ranges

Starting in 2020, buildings over 25,000 square feet must display energy grades at public entrances.

Local Law 93 of 2019- Posting Information on Installation of Green Roofs

Requires the Office of Alternative Energy to post information on its website regarding the installation of green roofs and other resources and materials regarding green roof systems.

Local Law 92 of 2019- Green Roofs on Smaller Buildings

NYC Local Law 92 Requires smaller buildings to comply with new green roof standards of Local Law 95.


Carbon Emissions Limits for Buildings (Local Law 97/2019)

Local Law 97 mandates that covered buildings 25,000 square feet and larger cannot emit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at levels higher than the limits set by the law. These carbon limits are set based on the occupancy group of the building and take effect in 2024.
Beginning May 1st, 2025, covered buildings will need to submit a report showing their carbon emissions from the year prior (2024). This reporting of a building’s emissions must occur annually and the report must be prepared by a registered design professional.
Buildings that do not submit an annual report prior to May 1st or release carbon emissions above their occupancy group limit will be fined.

Carbon Emissions Limits Per Occupancy Group (tCO2e/sf)

Occupancy GroupBuilding Emissions Intensity Limit (2024-2029)Building Emissions Intensity Limit (2030-2034)
A - Enclosed Mall10.743.98
A-Medical Office10.742.91
A- Other-Mall10.741.93
A -Other Service10.741.82
B - Lifestyle Center8.464.71
B - Financial Office8.463.7
B - Performing Arts 8.462.47
B - Other Education8.462.93
E & I-4 - Retail Store7.582.1
E & I-4 - Adult Education7.583.57
E & I-4 - Office7.582.69
E & I-4 - Other-Public Services7.583.81
E & I-4 - Residence Hall/Dormitory 7.582.46
E & I-4 - Lodging/Residential7.581.9
E & I-4 - Manufacturing/Industrial Plant7.581.42
I-1 - Senior Care Community11.384.41
I-1 - Wholesale Club/ Supercenter11.384.26
I-1 - Residential Care Facility11.384.89
F - Bowling Alley5.743.1
F - Worship Facility5.741.23
F - Vocational School5.744.61
F - Distribution Center5.740.99
F - Personal Services (Health, Beauty, Dry, Cleaning, Etc.)5.744.84
I-2 - Hospital23.817.34
B - Laboratory23.8126.03
I-2 - Other-Specialty Hospital23.816.32
B, H, I-2, & I-3 - Other Technology/
B, H, I-2, & I-3 - Supermarket/Grocery Store23.816.76
B, H, I-2, & I-3 - Other Restaurant/Bar23.818.51
B, H, I-2, & I-3 - Data Center23.8114.79
M - Food Sales11.815.21
M - Food Service11.817.75
M - Strip Mall11.811.36
M - Movie Theater11.815.4
M - Museum11.815.4
M - Restaurant 11.814.04
M - Ambulatory Surgical Center11.818.98
M - Outpatient Rehabilitation/Physical Therapy11.816.02
M - Urgent Care/Clinic/Other Outpatient11.815.77
R-1 - Social Meeting Hall9.873.83
R-1 - Hotel9.873.85
R-1 - Bank Branch9.874.04
R-1 - College/
R-1 - Other-Recreation9.874.48
R-1 - Refrigerated Warehouse9.872.85
R-1 - Other-Entertainment/
Public Assembly
R-1 - Fitness Center/Health
R-2 - Library6.752.22
R-2 - K-12 School6.752.23
R-2 - Pre-School/Daycare6.752.36
R-2 - Multifamily Housing6.753.35
R-2 - Convenience Store w/o Gas Station6.753.54
R-2 - Automobile Dealership6.752.82
U - Courthouse4.261.48
U - Parking4.260.21
S - Non-Refrigerated Warehouse4.260.88
S - Self-Storage Facility4.260.61
U - Mailing Center/Post Office4.261.98
U - Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, Etc.)4.262.21
U - Transporation Terminal/Station4.260.57

Case Studies

The following two case studies are actual buildings that The Cotocon Group is currently the ENERGY STAR Service and Product Provider (SPP).

These GHG emissions projections show how efficiently run buildings by 2020 standards can still be at risk of violation for 2024.


2021 ENERGY STAR Score: 55

150,000 sq.ft.

Occupancy Group B (Office)

GHG EUI Emissions Limit NYC
Nyc Local Law 97


2021 ENERGY STAR Score: 43

150,000 sq.ft.

Occupancy Group R-2 (Residential)

Nyc Local Law 97
Local Law 97 Nyc

Recommended Services

The Cotocon Group offers several different types of services to prepare buildings in New York City for these sweeping new sustainability laws. The services below help monitor and improve building energy efficiency, find cost-effective ways to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and much more:

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program (Local Law 96 of 2019)

Local Law 96 of 2019 establishes a Property Assessed Clean Energy Program, or PACE for short. This sustainable energy loan program is a voluntary financing mechanism that will provide low-cost, long-term funding for energy efficiency projects. PACE will help building owners finance energy efficiency projects that are required by the new legislation in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions citywide.

PACE financing will be repaid as an assessment on the property’s regular tax bill and can be used for commercialnonprofit, and residential properties.

Nyc Local Law 97
NYC Solar Roof

Green Roofs Required on City Buildings (Local Law 94)

Local Law 94 of 2019 requires the inclusion of a green roofing zone in new construction and for buildings undergoing certain major renovations.

This roofing zone must be comprised of a photovoltaic (PV) electricity generating system (Solar Panels) or a green roof. Buildings with greater than 200 square feet of usable roof space must install a minimum of 4kW PV electricity generating system. If a building is unable to install a PV electricity generating system, a green roof system must be utilized.