Los Angeles Energy Benchmarking

What the Law Says

Los Angeles Existing Buildings Energy & Water Efficiency Program

The Los Angeles Building Energy Benchmarking and Water Efficiency Program (EBEWE) is the City of Los Angeles’ local benchmarking disclosure and performance ordinance. In effect since 2017, the goal of the law is to identify and reduce energy and water consumption in LA’s existing multifamily, commercial, and industrial buildings that are 20,000 sq. ft. and above. EBEWE requires owners of large buildings benchmark their building’s energy usage and report it to the City of Los Angeles. The City will then publish this data online so that owners can see how each building compares to its peers.

Who is Required to Comply

EBEWE covers buildings greater than 20,000 square feet (7,500 square feet for buildings owned by the City).


According to the latest report, the deadline of June 1, 2022 for Benchmark Program Year 2021 has also been tolled until further notice. Tolling of the Audits and Retro-Commissioning (A/RCx) deadline for Compliance Year 2021 remains in effect and no future A/RCx deadlines are being tolled at this time. Please be aware that tolling of EBEWE deadlines does not affect the designation of the Program Years 2019, 2020 and 2021 for Los Angeles Building Energy Benchmarking and the Compliance Year 2021 for A/RCx.

How to Report

EBEWE requires annual energy and water consumption reports from each building. Building owners must authorize their utility providers to record and upload their building’s energy data to EPA’s Portfolio Manager.

What are the fines Like?

Buildings that do not comply with the Existing Building Energy & Water Efficiency Program by the deadline will be publicly disclosed and may be charged a compounding fine.

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